Oregon Battle of the Books at Springville

All things OBOB for Springville K-8

The Year of the Book

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The Year of the Book by Andrea Cheng

This book was a nice surprise. It’s a quiet story about a ordinary girl trying to sort out friendships and family while she figures out where she fits in, but don’t underestimate it, it’s a very satisfying read. The Year of the Book is not an big adventure with a grand beginning, middle and end, it’s just the story of a school year that comes and goes with pretty normal ups and downs most readers will relate to. Along the way Anna finds comfort and companionship in the books she reads including many of my own favorites. Keep a list of those books and you’ll have a great reading list of your own when Battle of the Books is over for the year!

Author: Tammy Fry

I am the mother of four great kids, an elementary librarian, a Portlander, and a vocalist with Portland Choir and Orchestra.

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